Thursday, October 1, 2009

Alan Grayson Tells It Like It Is

Alan Grayson, a Democratic Congressman from Florida, recently thrust himself to the fore of the Healthcare melodrama. On Tuesday Night he spoke on the floor of the House to characterize the Republican "plan" for healthcare. His characterization, though simple and short, pretty much sums up what our friends to the right believe needs to be done for Americans.

"1. Don't Get Sick 2. And if you do get sick... 3. DIE Quickly"

Yup, bold I know, but that's actually quite accurate of the Republican plan that seeks to do absolutely nothing save for maybe adding another zero to the bottom lines of Insurance Company and HMO CEO's. Predictably, the Republicans freaked out over Grayson's remarks, likening them to Joe Wilson shouting out "LIAR!" in President Obama's joint session of congress addressing the Healthcare Crisis. I can do nothing but laugh at the right's response to Grayson. We'll just get this over with now. Grayson's remarks can be compared on NO level to those of Joe Wilson. Grayson waited his turn to speak on the House floor like he was supposed to and gave his opinion. Though it may have been sarcastic and scathing, perhaps even overly harsh, he did nothing out of standard protocol. Joe Wilson shouted out during the President's speech and called our President a liar in front of the entire national government. His actions were inappropriate and offensive. Grayson did not come close to Wilson's outrageous behavior.

In addition to the fact that Republicans are likening this incident to Joe Wilson, I find it equally amusing that they're upset about what he said in general. When Chuck Grassley says that Obama is going to "pull the plug on Grandma", and Sarah Palin says that Obama's plan will create government run "death panels", they really have no room to talk. It seems the conservatives can dish out blatant lie after blatant lie, but when a Democrat actually stands up and takes them on they run away to the media kicking and screaming.

Republicans are famous for making outlandish and inflammatory statements. It's what they're best at. It's the only way they win elections as they manipulate the ignorant American populace. Their sweetheart Sarah Palin has gained immense fame over statements such as these. It's pretty much the only thing she can do: Lie and misconstrue. God forbid she'd actually have to pick up a newspaper or a research report and finally learn something factual.

This debate has done nothing but outline the extreme differences in our nation's two political parties. It has exposed the Republicans as nothing more than the lying hypocrites that they are. But ultimately that is "conservatism". It means keep things the way they are because they work for a few of us and they make an even smaller few very rich. Conservatism does nothing but move us backwards, keep us stuck in our ruts, and weakens the masses in this once great nation. And they have been extremely successful in this nation at achieving their goals. Nowhere in the world do we see a conservative movement as powerful and alive as in this nation. While the rest of the world has seen liberal trends since World War 2, our nation continues to flounder around in these petty idealogical squabbles. It is pointless and stupid. As long as the Republican party continues to exist in this nation we will never truly move forward and realize our full potential. They are the party of lies. They are the party of theocracy. They are the party of fear. God bless Alan Grayson for finally standing up and calling them what they are: Supporters of an industry that profits from murdering its consumers.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Revamping

I'm back. I think. All three of my readers will be excited to know that I intend to blog my Freshman year through college! And by the way, how's it going Amelia? I miss you in my life. And you too Sarah.

Anyway, back to the matter at hand, fate has led me to the plains of Alabama and I am now in Auburn, Alabama, attending none other than, AUBURN! I love it here. Things are great. New friends, new classes, and FOOTBALL. I love everything here save for the...less than friendly political climate towards those who think and feel as I do. Those who know me know that I've never ever been afraid to stand up and fight for my beliefs. However, recently I've been terrified. Well okay, not terrified but a bit nervous about letting people know what I believe for fear of being outed as "that guy." Being a liberal is almost as bad as being a Bama fan here.

So needless to say, I need an outlet. So I'm getting back to blogging. I'm going to change the color scheme and I've deleted a few of the old posts that made me cringe inside when I looked at them. So this blog will be reflections of a liberal in one of the most conservative areas of one of the most conservative states in our union. Boy this is going to be fun.